《软件测试自动化之道》读书笔记 之 底层的Web UI 测试
图1 Web UAT
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 4 using System.Web; 5 using System.Web.UI; 6 using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 7 8 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 9 {10 private System.Collections.ArrayList al = new System.Collections.ArrayList();11 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)12 {13 Product p1 = new Product("widgets", "1A11A", 11.11);14 Product p2 = new Product("gadgets", "2B22B", 22.22);15 Product p3 = new Product("foozles", "3C33C", 33.33);16 17 al.Add(p1);18 al.Add(p2);19 al.Add(p3);20 Label3.Text = "Search Complete";21 Label3.Visible = false;22 }23 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)24 {25 ListBox1.Items.Clear();26 string filter = TextBox1.Text;27 ListBox1.Items.Add("ProdName ProdID Price");28 ListBox1.Items.Add("=====================");29 30 if (RadioButtonList1_1.Checked)31 {32 foreach (Product p in al)33 {34 if (p.name.IndexOf(filter) >= 0)35 ListBox1.Items.Add(p.name + ", " + p.id + ", " + p.price);36 }37 }38 else if (RadioButtonList1_2.Checked)39 {40 foreach (Product p in al)41 {42 if (p.id.IndexOf(filter) >= 0)43 ListBox1.Items.Add(p.name + ", " + p.id + ", " + p.price);44 }45 }46 Label3.Visible = true;47 }48 49 public class Product50 {51 public string name;52 public string id;53 public double price;54 public Product(string name, string id, double price)55 {56 this.name = name;57 this.id = id;58 this.price = price;59 }60 }61 }
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 //... 4 5 SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = null; 6 Console.WriteLine("\nLaunching an instance of IE"); 7 Process p = Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "about:blank"); 8 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); 9 if (p == null)10 throw new Exception("Could not launch IE");11 Console.WriteLine("Process handle = " + p.MainWindowHandle.ToString()); 12 13 SHDocVw.ShellWindows allBrowsers = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows();14 Console.WriteLine("Number active browsers = " + allBrowsers.Count);15 16 if (allBrowsers.Count == 0)17 throw new Exception("Cannot find IE");18 19 Console.WriteLine("Attaching to IE");20 int i = 0;21 22 while (i < allBrowsers.Count && ie == null)23 {24 InternetExplorer e = (InternetExplorer)allBrowsers.Item(i);25 if (e != null)26 {27 if (e.HWND == (int)p.MainWindowHandle)28 ie = e; 29 }30 ++i;31 }32 33 if (ie == null)34 throw new Exception("Failed to attach to IE");35 36 //...37 }
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = null; 4 //把ie对象连接到IE程序所在的进行 5 6 ie.DocumentComplete += new DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler(ie_DocumentComplete); 7 8 Console.WriteLine("\nNavigating to the Web app"); 9 object nil = new object(); 10 ie.Navigate("http://localhost:30614/WebAUT/Default.aspx", ref nil, ref nil, ref nil, ref nil); 11 12 documentComplete.WaitOne();13 14 //...15 }16 private static void ie_DocumentComplete(object pDisp, ref object URL)17 {18 documentComplete.Set();19 }
操纵并检查IE Shell
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = null; 4 //把ie对象连接到IE程序所在的进行 5 6 Console.WriteLine("Setting IE to size 450x360"); 7 ie.Width = 450; 8 ie.Height = 360; 9 Thread.Sleep(1000);10 11 if (ie.StatusText.IndexOf("Done") == -1)12 Console.WriteLine("could not find 'Done' in status bar");13 else14 Console.WriteLine("Find 'Done' in status bar");15 //...16 }
当编写针对Web UI的自动化测试程序师,需要把IE的3个区域考虑在内:
- 客户区域,即待测页面所在区域;
- Shell区域,即诸如地址栏和回退按钮等IE控件所在的区域;
- 以及其他窗口,比如alert对话框等,这些窗口与IE是分开的。
- GoBack(), GoForward(), GoHome(), Refresh(), Quit();
- Height, Width: 设置IE外壳的高度和宽度(以像素为单位)。
- Top, Left: 设置IE外壳左上角的位置(以像素为单位)。
- FullScreen:如果IE在全屏模式下运行,则返回true。
- MenuBar:如果IE菜单栏可见,则返回true。
- Resizable:如果可以调整IE的大小,则返回true。
- LocationURL:返回IE当前显示页面的URL。
- StatusText:返回IE状态栏的文本。
using mshtml; // .NET component = Microsoft.mshtml. HTML interfaces static void Main(string[] args) { //... HTMLDocument theDoc = (HTMLDocument)ie.Document; Console.WriteLine("\nSelecting 'ID' radio button"); HTMLInputElement radioButton = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("RadioButtonList1_2"); radioButton.@checked = true; Console.WriteLine("Setting text box to '2B'"); HTMLInputElement textBox = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("TextBox1"); textBox.value = "2B"; Console.WriteLine("Clicking search button"); HTMLInputElement butt = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("Button1"); butt.click(); documentComplete.WaitOne(); //... }
在上述代码中,要模拟用户选中radio button控件,必须使用@checked,因为checked是C#语言的一个关键字。
HTMLInputElement textBox = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("TextBox1");Console.WriteLine("The textbox has type" + textBox.GetType().ToString());
注意:因为我们是通过getElementById()方法获得HTML元素/控件的引用的,所以这个控件必须要有ID attribute,从而可以唯一的表示这个控件。若Web页面是由Visual Studio .NET UI设计器创建的,那么所有控件都有一个ID attribute。但是如果Web程序是手工创建(比如通过Notepad),那么最好修改这个程序,给他们加上一个ID attribute。
1 Console.WriteLine("Seek 'aloha' in[2]"); 2 Console.WriteLine("
type is:" + theDoc.getElementsByTagName("p").GetType().ToString()); 3 HTMLParaElement paraElement = (HTMLParaElement)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("p").item(1, null); 4 if (paraElement.innerText.ToString().IndexOf("aloha") >= 0) 5 Console.WriteLine("Found target 'aloha'"); 6 else 7 Console.WriteLine("Target string not found"); 8 9 Console.WriteLine("Seek 'adios' in
");10 HTMLDivElement divElement = (HTMLDivElement)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("div").item("div2", null);11 if (divElement.innerText.ToString().IndexOf("adios") >= 0)12 Console.WriteLine("Found target 'adios'");13 else14 Console.WriteLine("Target string not found");
- 第一个参数可以为整数(整数时为从0开始的索引值)或字符串(字符串时为tag名字);
- 第二个参数是个索引值,但只有当item()返回得是一个集合时才用得到。
1 // non-HTML element 2 Console.WriteLine("Seeking 'Search Complete' in body"); 3 HTMLBody body = (HTMLBody)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0, null); 4 if (body.createTextRange().findText("Search Complete", 0, 4) == true) 5 { 6 Console.WriteLine("Found target string"); 7 } 8 else 9 {10 Console.WriteLine("*Target string not found*");11 pass = false;12 }
- 第一个参数是必添的目标字符串
- 第二个参数用于制定查找起始位置
- 第二个参数用于指定查找类型
1 // Chapter 7 - Low-Level Web UI Testing 2 // Example Program: LowLevelUITest 3 4 5 using System; 6 using SHDocVw; // COM component = Microsoft Internet Controls. IE object 7 using mshtml; // .NET component = Microsoft.mshtml. HTML interfaces 8 using System.Diagnostics; // Process 9 using System.Threading; // Sleep() 10 11 namespace RunTest 12 { 13 class Class1 14 { 15 static AutoResetEvent documentComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false); 16 17 [STAThread] 18 static void Main(string[] args) 19 { 20 try 21 { 22 Console.WriteLine("\nStarting test run"); 23 24 bool pass = true; // assume test run will pass 25 26 SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = null; 27 Console.WriteLine("\nLaunching an instance of IE"); 28 Process p = Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "about:blank"); 29 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); 30 if (p == null) 31 throw new Exception("Could not launch IE"); 32 Console.WriteLine("Process handle = " + p.MainWindowHandle.ToString()); 33 34 SHDocVw.ShellWindows allBrowsers = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); 35 Console.WriteLine("Number active browsers = " + allBrowsers.Count); 36 37 if (allBrowsers.Count == 0) 38 throw new Exception("Cannot find IE"); 39 40 Console.WriteLine("Attaching to IE"); 41 int i = 0; 42 43 while (i < allBrowsers.Count && ie == null) 44 { 45 InternetExplorer e = (InternetExplorer)allBrowsers.Item(i); 46 if (e != null) 47 { 48 if (e.HWND == (int)p.MainWindowHandle) 49 ie = e; 50 } 51 ++i; 52 } 53 54 if (ie == null) 55 throw new Exception("Failed to attach to IE"); 56 57 ie.DocumentComplete += new DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler(ie_DocumentComplete); 58 59 Console.WriteLine("\nNavigating to the Web app"); 60 object nil = new object(); 61 ie.Navigate("http://localhost:30614/WebAUT/Default.aspx", ref nil, ref nil, ref nil, ref nil); 62 63 documentComplete.WaitOne(); 64 65 Console.WriteLine("Setting IE to size 450x360"); 66 ie.Width = 450; 67 ie.Height = 360; 68 Thread.Sleep(1000); 69 70 //if (ie.StatusText.IndexOf("Done") == -1) 71 // Console.WriteLine("could not find 'Done' in status bar"); 72 //else 73 // Console.WriteLine("Find 'Done' in status bar"); 74 75 HTMLDocument theDoc = (HTMLDocument)ie.Document; 76 77 Console.WriteLine("\nSelecting 'ID' radio button"); 78 HTMLInputElement radioButton = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("RadioButtonList1_2"); 79 radioButton.@checked = true; 80 81 82 Console.WriteLine("Setting text box to '2B'"); 83 HTMLInputElement textBox = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("TextBox1"); 84 Console.WriteLine("The textbox has type" + textBox.GetType().ToString()); 85 textBox.value = "2B"; 86 87 Console.WriteLine("Clicking search button"); 88 HTMLInputElement butt = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("Button1"); 89 butt.click(); 90 91 documentComplete.WaitOne(); 92 93 Console.WriteLine("Seek 'aloha' in[2]"); 94 Console.WriteLine("
type is:" + theDoc.getElementsByTagName("p").GetType().ToString()); 95 HTMLParaElement paraElement = (HTMLParaElement)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("p").item(1, null); 96 if (paraElement.innerText.ToString().IndexOf("aloha") >= 0) 97 Console.WriteLine("Found target 'aloha'"); 98 else 99 Console.WriteLine("Target string not found");100 101 Console.WriteLine("Seek 'adios' in
");102 HTMLDivElement divElement = (HTMLDivElement)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("div").item("div2", null);103 if (divElement.innerText.ToString().IndexOf("adios") >= 0)104 Console.WriteLine("Found target 'adios'");105 else106 Console.WriteLine("Target string not found");107 108 // non-HTML element109 Console.WriteLine("Seeking 'Search Complete' in body");110 HTMLBody body = (HTMLBody)theDoc.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0, null);111 if (body.createTextRange().findText("Search Complete", 0, 4) == true)112 {113 Console.WriteLine("Found target string");114 }115 else116 {117 Console.WriteLine("*Target string not found*");118 pass = false;119 }120 121 if (pass)122 Console.WriteLine("\nTest result = Pass\n");123 else124 Console.WriteLine("\nTest result = *FAIL*\n");125 126 Console.WriteLine("Closing IE in 4 seconds . . . ");127 Thread.Sleep(4000);128 ie.Quit();129 130 }131 catch (Exception ex)132 {133 Console.WriteLine("Fatal error: " + ex.Message);134 Console.ReadLine();135 }136 137 } // Main()138 139 private static void ie_DocumentComplete(object pDisp, ref object URL)140 {141 documentComplete.Set();142 }143 144 } // class Class1145 } // ns RunTest